A Balanced Personality defies description He is something of everything, yet a unique individual.
- He is able to grasp the essentials of a problem quickly.
- He has a healthy curiosity to know about new things.
- He is able to arrive at a conclusion, based on logic and reason.
- He is able to put across his ideas with ease & clarity.
- He is able to adjust changes in his environment.
- He is ever willing to participate with others to achieve results.
- He is faithful to himself, his colleagues, & company.
- He is disciplined and self-controlled.
- He has an innate ability to differentiate between right and wrong and is courageous enough to do the right.
- He has tremendous self-confidence and an ability to influence the group.
- He has the ability to take initiative i.e. to take the first step and act first.
- He is able to arrive at decisions quickly.
- He has the ability to use intellectual resources effectively.
- He is able and willing to accept responsibility.
- He has a basic sense of security and is optimistic.
- He is flexible when he finds new factors.
- He has the ability to express love, anger, sadness in a sober manner, without being dominated by any emotions.
- He is physically fit to withstand the rigors of life.