Apple Will Accept WWDC 2017 Scholarship Application On March 27

Apple WWDC 2017

Apple announced that it will accept application for WWDC 2017 scholarships starting 10:00 am, Monday, March 27, 2017. Those wish to apply must be 13 years of age or older, and must submit their applications before 5:00 pm, Sunday, April 2, 2017. Apple will notify those who had their applications accepted on Friday, April 21.

WWDC Scholarships reward talented students and STEM organization members with the opportunity to attend this year’s conference. Developers selected for a scholarship will receive a WWDC17 ticket and lodging free of charge.

Apple has also placed some eligibility criteria for those applying for the scholarship. To be eligible for a WWDC Scholarship, applicants should be:

  • 13 years of age or older;
  • Registered for free with Apple as an Apple developer or a member of a paid Apple Developer Program; and
  • Enrolled part-time or full-time in a course of study, or be a member or alumni of a STEM organization.

Among other requirements, applicants will need to provide their own interactive Swift playground scene, which can be constructed with Xcode on macOS or in the Swift Playgrounds app on iPad. Applicants must “be creative” and create a visually interactive scene in a Swift playground that can be experienced within three minutes. Apple suggests that users start with templates in Swift Playgrounds for a head start on more advanced creations.

The Swift playground’s features and technologies must also be described in 500 words or less. Apple also requests optional information from applicants like how the submitter demonstrates enthusiasm for computer science on a day-to-day basis. If the applicant has extenuating circumstances requiring financial assistance for travel, and a resume, which Apple notes will not influence the judging process. Submissions will be judged based on technical prowess displayed, creativity and the applicants’ included written responses.

The scholarship for WWDC can certainly help students and new developers, as a ticket typically costs $1,599. The scholarship covers the cost of the ticket, and this year the company is planning to cover the costs of lodging. It will still cost the scholarship winner money to get there, though.

For more details about WWDC scholarships, please visit


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