Author: Raja Rajan
Install Pandora Battery In Sony PSP
The Pandora Battery allows the working of the PSP by having an access to run and see the programs that are installed on the magic memory duo. When using Pandora Battery, the user views the list of choices running of the memory stick duo. It serves as a blend of a battery and an authentic…
Get Space Back On Memory Stick Duo For PSP
You have been transferring the Music and videos to the PSP and noticed some of your memory gone, you can get back them, follow the simple steps below
Rip MP3s From Spotify
Spotify is the latest popular music streaming service that allows users to search and listen their music, if you like a song you can purchase it,
Download And Install Custom Firmware On Your PSP
You want to play free games on your PSP, so you can download custom firmware and install it, follow the simple steps below
Download And Install Themes In PSP
You can download and install themes for your PSP, you can do it by two ways, one downloading to your computer and transferring to your PSP, other one is downloading directly from your PSP browser. Follow the simple steps below
Defeat Braig In Kingdom Hearts
You can defeat Braig in Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep, Braig is the original persona of Xingbar from your Kingdom Hearts. His fight ensues much like Xingbars, but without reaction commands. Follow the simple steps below to kill the Braig when you are playing as Terra.
Sync A Device With Spotify
Spotify is an online music streaming service that offers DRM protected music from a number of independent and major record labels includes Warner Music Group, Universal, The Orchard, EMI, and Sony. It is accessible on several platforms includes Mac OS X, Linux, Windows, iOS, Android, Windows Mobile, Symbian, Palm, Blackberry, etc., Follow the simple steps…
Download YouTube Videos To PSP
You can download YouTube videos straight to your PSP without using your computer, for that you should have a PSP with internet connection. Follow the simple steps below
Tips For Creating Freezing Virus On PSP
You want to freeze your neighbors PSP; you can do it by creating a freezing virus. Follow the simple steps below
Download And Play Games On Hacked PSP
If you are having a hacked PSP, you can download and install the games on it, follow the simple steps below
Use Spotify
You want free music; Spotify is software allows you to explore the world of music. Sign up. Create a username and password. You also need email.
Download PSP Demos
You can download PSP demos using PSP DemoCentre, you can download it via PSP. These demos are not full games. For this your need a PSP with internet connection and memory stick with at least 1GB free space. Follow the simple steps below
Convert Your Videos For Xbox, PSP, PS3, iPods, And iPhones
You can move the video files from your computer on to your TV or portable devices like, PSP, PS3, XBOX, and others with the Prism Video Convertor.
Download Music From Spotify
You can download music from Spotify, follow the simple steps below. Download a tool that records sound on your computer. One of the best tools
Downgrade A PSP
The new firmware version comes out for Sony PSP often. The updates add some new features, it makes playing older games, or installing hacks will be impossible. Since the release of the device the war raged between hackers and Sony, with new firmware version being cracked fairly, so it can be downgraded. Most of the…
Fix Boot.ini
If you are looking to repair or replace a corrupted or the missing file Boot.ini, this article will help you. Follow the steps below.