Borderlands 2 A Real Boy: Clothes Make the Man Walkthrough

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Borderlands 2 A Real Boy: Clothes Make the Man Walkthrough

Borderlands 2 A Real Boy: Clothes Make the Man is an optional mission that can be activated in Eridium Blight from a robot known as Mal, who is in Human Dwelling Place, near the exit point to Ore Chasm. In Borderlands 2 A Real Boy: Clothes Make the Man, Mal wants to become a human, and the first step to accomplish that, in his vision, is to wear human clothes.

This is the part where we come in, because we have to find him some clothes from the local bandits.



A malfunctioning Hyperion loader has asked you to help him become human. For some reason, the loader believes that clothes, rather than blood, a soul, or independent thought, are all that stands between him and true humanity.

Level: 29


Money: $601

Item: Sniper Rifle / Shield

Experience: 7430 XP


Our task is to find Mal some clothes from the bandits near Mount Hellsfont (northern side of Eridium Blight). When we get to the waypoint, we just have to kill the bandits and to get their clothes.

We can kill as many as we want, because they keep dropping clothes until we collect the three required parts: the shirt, the pants, and the hat.

Once we have all the clothing we need, we can ignore the remaining bandits, because we have to return to Mal to give him he clothes. By speaking to him we complete Borderlands 2 A Real Boy: Clothes Make the Man and we choose our reward. Then, we can activate the next mission in the series, A Real Boy: Face Time.


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