Borderlands 2 Shoot This Guy in the Face Walkthrough

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Borderlands 2 Shoot This Guy in the Face Walkthrough

Borderlands 2 Shoot This Guy in the Face mission can be activated during our first trip to Thousand Cuts. To trigger Borderlands 2 Shoot This Guy in the Face we have to speak with a NPC named Face McShooty.

His location is marked by the yellow exclamation mark (hes easy to spot, we can just follow his screaming), and its best to tackle this mission during The Once and Future Slab story mission, because this is a short optional mission and it has a good money payout.



A psycho in Thousand Cuts has asked you to shoot him in the face.

Level: 20


Money: $2428

Experience: 385 XP


Borderlands 2 Shoot This Guy in the Face is probably the shortest and easiest mission included in the game.

Once we speak to Face McShooty to activate the quest, we just have to shoot him in the face using whatever weapon we like. If we do this we will also receive an achievement.

Then, we can turn in the Borderlands 2 Shoot This Guy in the Face mission by pressing the action button near his dead body, and we can carry on with other optional or story quests we have activated.


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