Facing Life Situations

Miscellaneous Category

facing life

Problems are part and parcel of human life and occasionally we come across some crisis in our life.

If you have to solve a problem

  • First define the problem;
  • Identify the reasons or root cause for the problem;
  • Judge the gravity of the problem;
  • Think of the options before you under the prevailing situation;
  • List out the external support you can get in solving the problem;
  • Find out what will happen if the problem is not solved immediately.

Some problems disappear if the action is postponed and some problems become serious if not attend immediately.

  • Boldly take steps to solve the problem following the best possible option before you and be prepared to accept the outcome.

Remember, if you are seriously and rationally analyse a situation or a problem, with due importance and respect to the emotional factors involved, your attempt will be fruitful and satisfactory.


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