Get Inside Area 69 On Any Console In GTA San Andreas

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Get Inside Area 69 On Any Console In GTA San Andreas

Area 69 is a rather large restricted are in Las Venturas/Bone County, and about a minute’s drive from Fort Carson. You can get inside the Area 69 while playing on any console. Follow the simple steps below

First, type in the cheat code for No Cops, so when you go into the base, they won’t kill you.

  • Xbox: B, Right, B, Right, Left, X, A, Up
  • PS2: O, Right, O, Right, Left, Square, Triangle, Up

Make your way to Fort Carson. If you know where the secret base is, Fort Carson is the small town just south of the base. Go there and look for a Freeway bike. They are lower than an NRG-500 or a PCJ-600.

Get the bike and go on the road past the Lil Probe Inn and towards the base. Turn off the road before the corner on the dirt road leading to the base (it looks like one of those long things you use in science lessons to pick up small bits of food)

Go on this dirt road until you reach the fence at the base. If you keep on the road, you’ll go through an open gate. Keep on going into the outdoor area of the base.

Go towards the other side, and at the south-east corner is a small mount with a vent on top. Go towards the vent and put the bike (with CJ still on it) parallel with the vent. Get off the bike on top of the vent. You should end up inside the base. If not, then keep trying.

Once inside, enjoy the labs!


  • When you’re inside the base, use an Infinite Health cheat, and then disable the No Cops cheat, so the cops will come after you inside the base. You’ll have a 5 star wanted level (or maybe 6) but don’t worry, only town and city cops can get inside to get you.
  • The only way to exit is by killing yourself (PC: GOODBYECRUELWORLD, PS2: Right, L2, Down, R1, Left, Left, R1, L1, L2, L1 XBOX: A, A, X, R, L, A, Down, Left, A


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