How To Answer Calls – Samsung Galaxy S4 Active

How To Answer Calls - Samsung Galaxy S4 Active

Learn how to answer calls on your Samsung Galaxy S4 Active. When a call is received the phone rings and displays the callers phone number, or name if stored in the Address Book.

  • At the incoming call screen:

  • Touch and drag Call icon in any direction to answer the call.
  • Touch and drag Reject Call icon in any direction to reject the call and send it to your voicemail.
  • Touch and drag the Reject call with message tab upward and tap a predefined text message to send to the caller.
  • Im driving

  • Im at the cinema

  • Im in class

  • Im in a meeting

  • Sorry, Im busy. Call back later.


  • Tap Create new message to compose a new message.
  • Tap End Call icon to the End Call.

Note: You can answer a call while using the Address Book or other menu feature. After ending the call, the phone returns to the previously active function screen.

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