How To Change SIM PIN – Sony Xperia Z Ultra

How To Change Sim Pin - Sony Xperia Z Ultra

Learn how to protect SIM card on your Sony Xperia Z Ultra. You can lock and unlock each SIM card that you use in your device with a PIN (Personal Identity Number). When a SIM card is locked, the subscription linked to the card is protected.

If you enter the PIN incorrectly more times than the maximum number of attempts allowed, your SIM card will become blocked. You then need to enter your PUK (Personal Unblocking Key) and a new PIN. Your PIN and PUK are supplied by your network operator.

To lock a SIM card

  1. From the Home screen, tap Apps icon.
  2. Find and tap Settings > Security > Set up SIM card lock > Lock SIM card.
  3. Enter the SIM card PIN and tap OK.

To change the SIM card PIN

  1. From the Home screen, tap Apps icon.
  2. Find and tap Settings > Security > Set up SIM card lock.
  3. Tap Change SIM PIN.
  4. Enter the old SIM card PIN and tap OK.
  5. Enter the new SIM card PIN and tap OK.
  6. Re-type the new SIM card PIN and tap OK.

To change the SIM card PIN2

  1. From the Home screen, tap Apps icon.
  2. Find and tap Settings > Call settings
  3. Tap Fixed dialling numbers > Change PIN2.
  4. Enter the old SIM card PIN2 and tap OK.
  5. Enter the new SIM card PIN2 and tap OK.
  6. Confirm the new PIN2 and tap OK.

To unlock a locked SIM card

  1. Enter the PUK code and tap Next icon.
  2. Enter a new PIN code and tap Next icon.
  3. Re-enter the new PIN code and tap Next icon.

Note: If you enter an incorrect PUK code too many times, the SIM card becomes locked. If this happens, contact your service provider to get a new SIM card.

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