How To Configure Finger Gesture Settings – Samsung Galaxy Tab S

How To Configure Finger Gesture Settings - Samsung Galaxy Tab S

Learn how to configure finger gesture settings on your Samsung Galaxy Tab S. You can perform actions such as, returning to the previous screen, opening the Home screen, and more.

Configuring finger gesture settings

  • When you use TalkBack, you can perform actions using finger gestures. You can perform actions such as, returning to the previous screen, opening the Home screen, and more. Configure finger gestures before using them.

Configuring settings for vertical gestures

You can use two-part vertical gestures by dragging your finger upwards and downwards from the bottom of the screen, or vice versa. On the Apps screen, tap Settings > Device > Accessibility > Vision > TalkBack > Settings > Manage gestures > Two-part vertical gestures. Then, select one of the following features:

  • Move to the first and last items on screen: When you drag your finger upwards and then downwards on the screen, the first item at the top of the screen is selected. When you drag your finger downwards and then upwards on the screen, the last item at the bottom of the screen is selected.
  • Cycle through reading granularities: When you drag your finger upwards and then downwards on the screen, the reading unit changes. The reading unit changes to page, paragraph, line, word, character, and default. When you drag your finger downwards and then upwards on the screen, the reading units change in reverse order.

Configuring settings for shortcut gestures

Use this feature to configure eight shortcut gestures. You can configure gestures such as, dragging your finger upwards and then to the right without releasing it, and more. You can change shortcut gestures or assign features to empty shortcuts. On the Apps screen, tap Settings > Device > Accessibility > Vision > TalkBack > Settings > Manage gestures. Select a gesture, and then assign a feature to it. The following features are available:

  • Back button: Return to the previous screen.
  • Home button: Open the Home screen.
  • Recent apps button: Open the list of recently-used apps.
  • Open notifications: Open the notifications panel.
  • Open global context menu: Open the global contextual menu. Tap and hold the screen to open the circular global contextual menu. You can use features, such as Quick navigation, Read from top, Spell last utterance, and Read from next item. Then, explore menus by drawing a circle with your finger without releasing it. When you find the menu you want, release your finger from the menu to select it. Tap Pause feedback at the top left of the screen to pause voice feedback. Tap TalkBack Settings at the top right of the screen to access the TalkBack settings.
  • Open local context menu: Open the local contextual menu. You can select a unit for reading text on the screen. When you use this feature while entering text, contextual menus, such as the cursor control menu, are available. Tap and hold the screen to open the circular contextual menu. Then, explore menus by drawing a circle with your finger without releasing it. When you find the menu you want, release your finger from the menu to select it.
  • Read from top: Read items aloud from the first item to the last item in order.
  • Read from next item: Read items aloud starting from the item next to the selected item in order.

Changing reading units

  • When you use TalkBack, you can listen to the text on the screen. You can drag your finger up, down, left, or right to select the text you want. By default, the device reads text aloud in the selected area. Or, you can set the device to read text in other reading units, such as lines or paragraphs.

Changing reading units by using the local contextual menu

  • Select some text to read.
  • Drag your finger upwards, and then to the right without releasing it to open the local contextual menu.
  • Tap and hold the screen and draw a circle with your finger to explore menus. Then, release your finger when you hear Change granularity.
  • Tap and hold the screen again and draw a circle with your finger to explore menus. Then, release your finger when you hear the reading unit you want.

Changing reading units using two-part vertical gestures

  • When you drag your finger upwards and then downwards on the screen, the reading unit changes. The reading unit changes to page, paragraph, line, word, character, and then default. When you drag your finger downwards and then upwards on the screen, the reading units change in reverse order.
  • On the Apps screen, tap Settings > Device > Accessibility > Vision > TalkBack > Settings > Manage gestures > Two-part vertical gestures > Cycle through reading granularities.
  • You can listen to the text next to the currently-selected text using the current reading unit. To listen to the next section of text, drag your finger downwards or to the right on the screen. Also, you can listen to the text before the currently-selected text using the current reading unit. To listen to the previous section of text, drag your finger upwards or to the left on the screen.

Pausing TalkBack

  • Open the global contextual menu by dragging your finger downwards and then to the right on the screen without releasing it. When you select Pause feedback at the top left of the screen, TalkBack pauses.
  • When TalkBack is paused, you can resume it by turning on the screen or other methods. To change the method of resuming TalkBack, open the Apps screen, tap Settings > Device > Accessibility > Vision > TalkBack > Settings > Resume from suspend. Then, select an option.

Using the quick navigation feature

  • With the quick navigation feature, you can access menus by drawing a circle on the screen without scrolling up or down to select an item.
  • Open the global contextual menu by dragging your finger downwards and then to the right on the screen without releasing it. Tap and hold the screen and draw a circle around the menu with your finger to explore the menus. Then, release your finger when you hear Quick navigation. Tap the screen again and draw a circle around the menu with your finger to explore the menus. Then, release your finger when you hear the menu you want.

Adding and managing image labels

You can assign labels to images on the screen. The device reads aloud the labels when the images are selected. Add labels to unlabelled images by using the local contextual menu.

  • Open the local contextual menu by dragging your finger upwards and then to the right on the screen without releasing it. Tap and hold the screen and a draw a circle around the menu with your finger to explore the menus. When you hear the add label menu, release your finger to add labels.
  • To view the labels, open the Apps screen, tap Settings > Device > Accessibility > Vision > TalkBack > Settings > Manage customised labels.


This guide will work on all Samsung Galaxy Tab S’s; including Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4 and Samsung Galaxy Tab S 10.5

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