How To Recognize Music With TrackID On Sony Xperia Z3

How To Recognize Music With TrackID - Sony Xperia Z3

Learn how to recognize music with Track ID on your Sony Xperia Z3. Use the Track ID music recognition service to identify a music track you hear playing in your surroundings. Just record a short sample of the song and youll get artist, title and album info within seconds. You can purchase tracks identified by Track ID and you can view Track ID charts to see what Track ID users around the globe are searching for. For best results, use Track ID technology in a quiet area.

Note: The Track ID application and the Track ID service are not supported in all countries/regions, or by all networks and/or service providers in all areas.

  1. Search for music online
  2. View options
  3. View current music charts
  4. View the search result history
  5. Main screen for recording music
  6. Find out what music you’re listening to

To identify music using Track ID technology

  • From your Home screen, tap Apps icon.
  • Find and tap Track ID, then hold your device towards the music source.
  • Tap Music icon. If the track is recognized by the Track ID service, the results appear on the screen.

Note: To return to the Track ID start screen, press Back Key.

To view Track ID charts

  • Open the Track ID application, then tap Charts. A chart from your own region is shown.

To view Track ID charts from another region

  • Open the Track ID application, then tap Charts.
  • Tap Menu icon > Regions and then select a country or region.

To buy a track recognized by the Track ID application

  • After a track has been recognized by the Track ID application, tap Download.
  • Follow the instructions in your device to complete your purchase.

Note: You can also select a track to buy by opening the History and Charts tabs. Or you can purchase tracks identified by an online text search in Track ID.

To share a track

  • After a track has been recognized by the Track ID application, tap Share, then select a sharing method.
  • Follow the instructions on your device to complete the procedure.

To view artist information for a track

  • After a track has been recognized by the Track ID application, tap Artist info.

To delete a track from the track history

  • Open the Track ID application, then tap History.
  • Tap a track title, then tap Delete.
  • Tap Yes to confirm.

Note: Refer here for more information on Sony Xperia Z3.

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