How To Use Alarm App – Nokia Lumia 1020

How To Use Alarm App - Nokia Lumia 1020

Learn how to use alarm App on your Nokia Lumia 1020. Keep track of time learn how to use your phone as a clock, as well as an alarm clock.

Set an alarm

You can use your phone as an alarm clock.

  • On the start screen, swipe left, and tap Alarms icon.

  • Tap + Add icon.

  • Fill in the alarm details, set the time, and tap Save icon.

For the alarm to sound, your phone must be turned on, and the phone volume needs to be loud enough.

Note: You can quickly see the time of the next active alarm if you have pinned the Alarms app to the start screen. The tile size must be at least medium.

Turn an alarm off

Switch the alarm to Off.

Delete an alarm

Tap the alarm, and tap Delete icon.

Snooze an alarm

Don’t want to get up just yet? When an alarm sounds, you can snooze the alarm.

When the alarm sounds, tap snooze.

Update the time and date automatically

You can set your phone to update the time, date, and time zone automatically. Automatic update is a network service and may not be available depending on your region or network service provider.

On the start screen, swipe left, and tap Settings > date+time.

Switch Set automatically to On.

Update the time and date manually

Switch Set automatically to Off, and edit the time and date.

Update the time zone manually when traveling abroad

Switch Set automatically to Off, and tap Time zone and a location.

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