How To Use Braille Displays – iPad Mini 2

How To Use Braille Displays - iPad Mini 2

Learn how to use braille display on your iPad Mini 2. You can use a Bluetooth braille display to read VoiceOver output, and you can use a braille display with input keys and other controls to control iPad when VoiceOver is turned on. For a list of supported braille displays, go to

Connect a braille display

  • Turn on the display, then go to Settings > General > Bluetooth and turn on Bluetooth. Then go to Settings > General > Accessibility > VoiceOver > Braille and choose the display.

Adjust Braille settings

Go to Settings > General > Accessibility > VoiceOver > Braille, where you can:

  • Turn on contracted braille

  • Turn off automatic braille translation

  • Turn off eight-dot braille

  • Turn on the status cell and choose its location

  • Turn on Nemeth code for equations

  • Display the onscreen keyboard

  • Change the braille translation from Unified English

For information about common braille commands for VoiceOver navigation.

Set the language for VoiceOver

  • Go to Settings > General > International > Language.

  • If you change the language for iPad, you may need to reset the language for VoiceOver and your braille display.

  • You can set the leftmost or rightmost cell of your braille display to provide system status and other information:

  • Announcement History contains an unread message

  • The current Announcement History message hasnt been read VoiceOver speech is muted

  • The iPad battery is low (less than 20% charge)

  • iPad is in landscape orientation

  • The screen display is turned off

  • The current line contains additional text to the left

  • The current line contains additional text to the right

  • Set the leftmost or rightmost cell to display status information.

  • Go to Settings > General > Accessibility > VoiceOver > Braille > Status Cell, then tap Left or Right. See an expanded description of the status cell. On your braille display, press the status cells router button.

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