How To Use Calendar Apps On Sony Xperia Tablet Z

How To Use Calendar Apps On Sony Xperia Tablet Z

Learn how to use Calendar Apps on your Sony Xperia Tablet Z. Your device has a calendar application for managing your time schedule. If you have a Google account, you can also synchronize the calendar application on your device with your web calendar.

To set the calendar view

  • From your Home screen, tap Apps icon, then find and tap Calendar.
  • Select an option.

To view multiple calendars

  • From your Home screen, tap Apps icon, then find and tap Calendar.
  • Mark the relevant checkboxes to select the calendars that you want to view.

To create a calendar event

  • From your Home screen, tap Apps icon, then tap Calendar.
  • Tap + add icon.
  • Enter the name, time, location, and description for the event.
  • Tap More options and select a reminder for the event. To add a new reminder for the event, tap + add icon.
  • If desired, select another option under Repetition.
  • Tap Done.

Note: When the appointment time approaches, your device plays a short sound to remind you. Also, calendar icon appears in the status bar.

To view a calendar event

  • From your Home screen, tap Apps icon, then tap Calendar.
  • Tap the event you want to view.

To change the calendar settings

  • From your Home screen, tap Apps icon, then tap Calendar.
  • Press Menu icon, then tap Settings.
  • Tap the setting you want to change, and then edit as desired.

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