How To Use Camera Modes – Nokia Lumia 925

How To Use Camera Modes - Nokia Lumia 925

Learn how to use camera modes on your Nokia Lumia 925. Did you know that your phone has several camera modes to choose from? Nokia’s own camera modes, Nokia Pro Camera and Nokia Smart Camera, as well as the standard camera, help you take the best photos.

  • To switch Nokia Pro Camera on, press the camera key.

  • To choose another camera mode, tap Camera mode icon and, for example, Nokia Smart Cam.

Take Better Photos With Nokia Smart Camera

Want to take better photos of moving objects or take a group photo where everyone is at their best?

Use Nokia Smart Camera and snap superb photos.

  • To switch the camera on, press the camera key.

  • Tap Camera mode > Nokia Smart Cam.

  • To take a photo, press the camera key once.

Note: To focus the camera on a specific object, tap the object on the screen. The phone takes a sequence of photos and shows you everything you can do with them.

Set Nokia Smart Camera as default camera

Tap . . . > , and switch Pressing the camera button opens to Nokia Smart Cam.

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