How To Use WiFi Settings – Sony Xperia Z2

How To Use WiFi Settings - Sony Xperia Z2

Learn how to use WiFi settings on your Sony Xperia Z2. When you are connected to a Wi-Fi network or when there are Wi-Fi networks available in your vicinity, it is possible to view the status of these networks. You can also enable your device to notify you whenever an open Wi-Fi network is detected.

If you are not connected to a Wi-Fi network, your device uses a mobile data connection to access the Internet (if you have set up and enabled a mobile data connection on your device). By adding a Wi-Fi sleep policy, you can specify when to switch from Wi-Fi to mobile data.

To enable Wi-Fi network notifications

  • Turn on Wi-Fi, if it is not already on.
  • From your Home screen, tap Apps icon.
  • Find and tap Settings > Wi-Fi.
  • Press Menu icon.
  • Tap Advanced.
  • Mark the Network notification checkbox.

To view detailed information about a connected Wi-Fi network

  • From the Home screen, tap Apps icon.
  • Find and tap Settings > Wi-Fi.
  • Tap the Wi-Fi network that you are currently connected to. Detailed network information is displayed.

To add a Wi-Fi sleep policy

  • From the Home screen, tap Apps icon.
  • Find and tap Settings > Wi-Fi.
  • Press Menu icon.
  • Tap Advanced.
  • Tap Keep Wi-Fi on during sleep.
  • Select an option.

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