RIM shows PlayBook living in with BlackBerry Torch in new video

RIM Blackberry PlayBook

RIM’s new PlayBook is going to to have a connection with the nearby BlackBerry Torch phone. As for lifting the product the company had released the video yesterday, that shows how thats all going to work exactly. The 114 seconds video exactly shows you the tablet’s e-mail app, how the PlayBook and Torch beside it perfectly in sync read an email on one and it immediately shows the email read on the other and so on. Any secured data on the PlayBook will tethered essentially on the loan, it will dissappear as you dissconnect, which one of the important reasons that the RIM’s touting this as an bolt-on for BES corporate environment that won’t require any additional configuration or lines of data service. The Video does not do to much appeal to the BlackBerry user. But it is intresting to watch.

RIM Blackberry PlayBook Video

Click to play video

Amarnath Natarajan

I am a freelance programmer and tech enthusiast. In my spare time I contribute to this website.

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