There are four basic steps to achieve big goals in life
First, you must clearly define exactly where you are and what you are doing at the moment.
Second, you must examine your past and determine how you got to where you are today.
Third, you must decide where you are going and where you want to be, one, two, three, and five years from now.
Finally, you must decide how you are going to get from where you are now, to where you want to be in future.
When you are clear about where you are coming from, where you are at the moment and where you are going, you become much focused and effective in your planning and goal setting.
The analysis can be on the general conditions of your life or a particular aspect of it.
Following can be the process of your analysis of your personal situation.
- Write the conditions where you were in, sometime back;
- Write your present conditions;
- List out the areas of improvements and deteriorations;
- Identify the reasons for them;
- Prepare a new strategic plan;
- Find out the modalities of your further auctions to achieve your goal.
Similar process can be followed in analysing a particular problem in hand.