SleepBox At Moscow Airport For More Convenient Kurzauftenthalte

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SleepBox at Moscow airport for more convenient Kurzauftenthalte

A similar idea was already implemented a few years ago at an airport in Munich, but unfortunately scrapped, since then the demand was apparently not high enough. Now one has SleepBox with two beds, to 4 sqm and a height 3Meter found at home at an airport in Moscow. As you can see in the pictures right after, the interior is similar to a sleeping car on the train and you can easily surf, if required, TV, via WiFi or just have a quick nap before the next flight to be caught must book without a complete hotel room to have.

While we can not tell you the price per hour for a comfortable stay, but only 7000 a box at the airport will cost for the operator, plus the monthly cost of course, but what could very well pay off in a short time.

The life-like in the 5th Element can hold out for a few hours and be sure not only at the airport, I can well imagine the boxes for some short trips and might also make good use of one at the central station or similar location.

SleepBox at Moscow airport for more convenient Kurzauftenthalte


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