Tag: Internet
Save Web Pages On iPhone And Read Offline
You can view the web pages offline after saving it, there is an app called Instapaper, you can take your saved pages wherever you go
Delete iPad Safari Search History
Lern to delete iPad safari search history. You can delete the search history of your iPad Safari browser, follow the simple steps below
View iTunes App Purchase History
The feature iTunes in the iCloud allows you to view all your iTunes app purchases and re-download them to your computer or directly to your iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad.
Windows 7 – Hide unused libraries in Windows Explorer
The libraries functions in Windows 7 help in structuring data. But a lot of users still prefer the conventional folder structure.
Internet Security – Attention Grabbing Video Links In Facebook Are Nothing More Than Scams
Anti-virus company Sophos is warning Facebook users against clicking on links to video hosted on sites named FouTube, FBVideo and YoTube,
LG adds Tweet-TV enabled Android Phone
Mobile digital television finally take off LG will be ready and its last concept is the design of the device. The auto stereoscopic 3D screen shown at CES is the Tweet-TV. At the National Association of Broadcasters show this week its demonstrating the prototype Android phone with a Harris MDTV antenna that also pulls in…
Mozilla Firefox shames developers with slow performing add-ons
Mozilla is feeling the heat now, it spends every time in tweaking and perfecting Firefox to eek out as much as performance as possible,
Windows 7 – Attach Websites To Jump Lists Independent Of The Browser
Jump lists of all browsers show frequently and recently accessed pages. They also allow you to pin specific sites there for quick access.
Firefox 4 Beta 8 Released
Mozilla released Firefox 4 Beta 8 today(December 22 2010). As it is rumored Firefox 4 Beta 8 didn’t bring any sweeping changes to the browser, instead it focuses on improving already-included features.