How To Manage Weight – Samsung Galaxy Alpha

How To Manage Weight - Samsung Galaxy Alpha

Learn how to manage weight on your Samsung Galaxy Alpha. Record your wight information and monitor weight changes.

  • Tap App icon > Weight.
  • Tap Update.
  • Enter your weight and tap Save. Whenever you change your weight, the device applies it to your profile.

  • Tap Menu icon and use the following functions:
    • Reset daily data: Reset the daily weight data.
    • Share via: Send the current page to others.
    • Settings: Configure settings for S Health.
    • User manual: View more information about using this feature.

Entering data by using accessory device

Import weight information from the connected device.

  • Tap Manage accessory icon > Scan, select a device from the detected devices list. Follow the on-screen instructions to connect the device to your device.

Resetting weight record

  • To reset the daily weight record, tap Menu icon > Reset daily data > OK.

Viewing your recorded weight in a graph

Compare your weight records for a period by viewing them in a graph.

  • Tap Previous screen icon on the weight main screen.

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